A group of Western Springs, IL parents who have come together because we share similar stories and experiences. Each of us has our own viewpoint shaped by our lives and community.
We know that having difficult talks with our kids is important for their learning and growth. By sharing ideas and educating ourselves together, we help each other have meaningful conversations that can challenge and guide our children.
You do not need to live in Western Springs, IL to join.
Who We Are
We are a community of parents who have come together through our shared stories and experiences. Each of us carries unique perspectives shaped by our lives, our community, and our society at large.
We understand that having tough conversations with our children is essential for their growth and understanding of the world. By sharing insights and strategies, we empower each other to engage in meaningful dialogues that can challenge and guide our children.
Together, we are committed to building strong connections, offering support, and promoting open communication. We believe that through collaboration and understanding, we can create a positive impact on our families and our community.
How We Started
This group started as a result of bravery and vulnerability. Three elementary school moms from a predominantly white community met on a porch one evening after their book club was canceled at the last minute. One bravely asked if another's family had been on the receiving end of racist remarks at the school and in the neighborhood. Another shared years' worth of pain. All came together to support each other. And the conversations kept growing.